#yourquestionsanswered Answers to whether your employer has to give you a day in lieu if you work on a public holiday and more...

Working out what you're entitled to on a public holiday actually isn't nearly as confusing as people sometimes make it sound...
Who gets time and a half?
Every employee who works on a public holiday, for every hour worked. Even if you're casual.
Who gets a day in lieu?
You're entitled to a day in lieu if you work on a public holiday and its an 'otherwise working day' for you.
How many hours should a day in lieu be?
This should give you another full day off in the future, so it should be your normal day's worth of hours/pay.
What if I don't work on a public holiday?
If it's an 'otherwise working day' for you, your employer must pay you as if you'd worked (ie, your normal days pay).
What is an 'otherwise working day'?
A day that you would expect to work if it wasn't a public holiday. This applies even if the business is doing a festive season shutdown.
Note: Even if you're on a casual contract, if you have a pattern of work then public holidays may also fall on otherwise working days for you too.