#ERAsuccess A recent Employment Relations Authority win for our team and our client.

In this case, our client made a complaint when difficulties arose between them and the managing director. In response, her employer told her that they considered the relationship was “irretrievable”, that she was a risk to the business and that she was going to be placed under investigation. Nothing was done regarding her complaint. After this, our client felt that they had no option but to resign and raise a grievance for constructive dismissal. The ERA found that the employer did not follow a fair process and that their formal communications contained emotive language, blaming and name calling. As a result, the ERA found that employer's conduct was serious enough to cause resignation and that it was foreseeable that an employee in our client's position would do so.
Our client was awarded $20,000 compensation and reimbursement of five weeks of lost wages.
Click here to read more about this recent win: https://determinations.era.govt.nz/assets/elawpdf/2024/2024-NZERA-168.pdf
Very few of our cases end up in the ERA as most resolve before then. However if there's no other way to resolve them, we take a lot of pride in seeing our clients come away with a success in the ERA that recognises the stress that their employer has put them through.