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1 min read
Success in the ERA!
Very few record of settlements and ERA determinations go unpaid and need to be filed for compliance. However if the other party does fail to

1 min read
Another success in the ERA for our team!
Very few of our cases end up in the ERA as most resolve before then. However if there's no other way to resolve them, we take a lot of pride

2 min read
Can an employer deduct from your wages?
nlawful wage deductions can significantly impact your finances and well-being. Understanding when an employer can deduct from your wages and

1 min read
And another win for our clients!
#ERAsuccess A recent Employment Relations Authority win for our team and our client. Very few of our cases end up in the ERA as most...

2 min read
Why is there a Minimum Wage in Aotearoa New Zealand?
#yourquestionsanswered With minimum wage set to rise at the start of April, we've had a few questions about why we have a minimum wage...

2 min read
What is "constructive dismissal"
#yourquestionsanswered What does constructive dismissal look like in the workplace? Constructive dismissal in New Zealand occurs when an...

1 min read
Another win for our clients!
#ERAsuccess A recent Employment Relations Authority win for our team and our client. Only about 5% of our cases end up in the ERA as most...

2 min read
What is an employment law advocate?
#yourquestionsanswered What is an advocate? An employment law advocate provides support for employees facing workplace challenges....

2 min read
What is the Employment Relations Authority (ERA)?
#yourquestionsanswered Who makes decisions about employment disputes? The Employment Relations Authority (ERA) helps provide resolution...

2 min read
What does workplace stress look like?
#yourquestionsanswered Stress can look different on everyone, but you are the best person to know if something isn't right. Here's some...

2 min read
Can an employer suspend me from work?
#yourquestionsanswered Suspensions, stand downs, "special leave' - if you're being prevented from working then this may not be lawful....

2 min read
What is mediation?
#yourquestionsanswered Mediation is a key aspect of employment law in New Zealand, as it provides a way for employers and employees to...

2 min read
I've been invited to a disciplinary meeting, help!?
Generally a disciplinary meeting happens when there is an allegation of misconduct or serious misconduct, so it can be quite serious and...

1 min read
What's No Win No Fee?
What does no win no fee mean?
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